It's amazing how the Universe will give you all that you need .. it may not happen the way you thought it might, but it happens anyway. Often, our greatest "aha!" moments come during a time of convalescence, when we have time to sit and think about where we are in Life and what we are doing with it, and is it all that we thought it would be, and what shall we do about it?
Isn't it a shame that we can't make that sort of time for ourselves when we are well and in full health? We always feel like we should be "doing" something, or we are just going through the same tried and tested routine that we've gone through for the last X amount of months/years.
Before the days of TRIBES AND VIBES both of us worked in offices, with sales jobs - we both hired things out - with Terri it was event Halls, and I hired out Plant and Machinery - all of it was soooooo boring and just not what we were about, but it was all part of the "learning curve". We decided to make a break from London and our jobs and find something else to do. It was the best thing we ever did, and we've never looked back - it's so lovely to help people. We live in an area that is close to the coastline and not far from the woods and greenery, and it fills our hearts and souls in a way that the concrete and hubub of London never could.
Nowadays because we are involved most weekends with other activities that we run, we take a day or two out every month and do something else. So we tend to visit National Trust properties, or take a 2 hour drive down to the Dorset coast, or go pastels painting for the day, or something, but just different to what we normally do, and we do it while we have our health and are fit and able. It gives us some quiet time to reflect and re-consider our life purpose, or our game plan - what ever you would like to call it. We still work long hours on our website, to make up the days away, but it's all do-able, and it means that we are fresher on our working days. So if you are making a break into pastures new, I hope you will also find enormous fulfillment, and who knows where it will lead you. Our best advice is always be open to new opportunities.
If you need a bit of emotional back up to help you through your change, transformation and New Beginnings, try wearing either Clear Calcite, Diamond or Moonstone Jewellery or Crystals. With it's connection to the Moon, it reminds us that life also waxes and wanes and is ever changing. A Butterfly is also a symbol of New Beginnings due to it's majestic transformation from Caterpillar to Butterfly.
Peace, Light and Blessings, from us both x