Jasper in its many forms is known as the “supreme nurturer”, supporting you during times of stress, bringing tranquillity and wholeness, unifying all aspects of your life. It aligns the Chakras, balances Yin and Yang, and absorbs negative energy. It imparts determination to all pursuits, helping you to get to grips with the situation assertively and honestly, with clear & quick thinking. As well as these properties, the following varieties have their own attributes:
Red Jasper grounds energy, and makes an excellent worry bead, calming the emotions when played with. It is a stone of health, which strengthens and detoxifies the circulatory and blood system (particularly the liver), and supports the digestive system and base chakras.
Dalmatian Jasper helps you to relax and have fun! It is also associated with removing disillusionment, helping you to see your strengths and weaknesses, and encouraging loyalty, therefore assisting with long-term relationships. It is associated with the Base chakra, and is also a Birthstone for Virgo, as well as Aries & Taurus
Yellow Jasper protects you during actual physical travelling and spiritual travelling, whilst channeling positive energy. It overcomes exhaustion, aids the immune system, and is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra.
Picture Jasper is associated with the base chakra and is connected to the Earth’s consciousness and ecological issues. It will bring to the surface any hidden or repressed feelings and thoughts, and enable you to understand and learn from them. Picture Jasper stimulates the immune system and cleanses the kidneys.
Mookaite (Australian Jasper) is a mixture of Jasper and Opal, so it is a bright mix of colours, reflecting its ability to encourage variety and versatility, and a desire for new experiences. It helps you to choose the right experiences for you, and imparts a calmness to help you to deal with them - however intense they may get - Mookaite is about fun! Like so many Jaspers, it nurtures and balances the inner and outer worlds. In healing, Mookaite is a stabilising gemstone, that helps to purify the blood, heal wounds, fortifies the liver & spleen, and it enables the immune system. Mookaite is a Zodiac Birthstone for Pisces & Aries
All of the Crystals, Bracelets & Jewellery pictured above, you will be able to find in the Zodiac links throughout this post.
JASPER is a Zodiac Birthstone for Aries & Taurus
Love, Light, Healing and Blessings - Paul & Terri x