Tribes and Vibes Blog about our New Age, Spiritual, Celtic & Pagan Jewellery & Gifts

The views expressed here are our own, and completely represent Paul and Terri as the wonderful unique individuals that we are. If you do not agree with them, that is your prerogative as the wonderful, unique individual that you are :o)


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  1. International Fairy Day is happening on Monday 24 June! Yay! Set aside your normal earthbound clothes and shoes, and set yourself free with some enchanting fairy garb. For a day, open your mind to the possibilities of magic and wonderment in your life. Go for a walk in the woods at dusk and see if you can experience a little faery magick in the groves.

    There are a number of Fairy events coming up over the weekend at 22/23 June which are also related to the Summer Solstice. If you google International Fairy Day Events UK you may find something happening in your area. Have a look at Karen Kay's Faery Events website too - she has a lot of wonderful days and evenings coming up!

    Of course you may need some Fairy jewellery and Fairy Dust for the occasion, and we have a few lovely items at TRIBES AND VIBES - wouldn't you know it! For all Fairy gifts, please click here


  2. Terri & I would like to express our grateful thanks to the Brahma Kumaris for their Thought for the Day:

    "You don’t need to search for peace; you are a being of peace. Any time, any place, you can step back from your thoughts and emotions. Just withdraw into your inner being, a place of total peace and just be."

    east sussex trees

    © Photo by Terri Robertson, TRIBES AND VIBES

    Click here for Mala Bracelets to aid Meditation

    Click here for Incense

    Peace, Light and Blessings to all, Paul :o)

  3. We are grateful to Jill Harrison at for her latest Angel contact, reproduced here with her kind permission.

    Did you know that Archangel Chamuel can help you with lots more than just relationship issues?

    If you're energy levels are running low, or you feel life overwhelming, invoking Archangel Chamuel can greatly assist you in turning around the emotional ups and downs you may be experiencing.

    Need a hug?  Take Archangel Chamuel's Pink Ray Energy Bath.

    Place a Rose Quartz Crystal into your bath and run yourself a warm (not too hot) bath. Immerse yourself into the bath and then call upon Archangel Chamuel and ask for him to help you connect with the universal energy of pure unconditional love. Ask for this energy to flow into your heart and chakra system.  Ask Archangel Chamuel to protect you from any external energies that may be affecting you at this time. Then give thanks to Archangel Chamuel and ask him to connect with you through the energies of the crystal and water.  Imagine and feel yourself being immersed in warm angelic energies until such times you feel ready to exit from the bath.  Remember to take your crystal out of the bath and rinse it in cold water, dry it, before putting it away.  To add an extra boost to the bath, you could also, if you wish add a couple of drops of Rose Maroc oil to your bath to help your connection to Archangel Chamuel's vibrations. This really does work and is a great pick me up when you're in need of a hug.

    Another benefit of taking this Rose Quartz bath is that is helps you absorb energies that can soothe and calm nervous knots in the tummy area and general bloating caused by poor digestion.


    sunrise 15 feb 13 wm

    It started off as a beautiful day - crisp, but beautiful. The sun was shining at 07:15am and I could already feel the warmth of it on my face. It felt vaguely familiar! It's been so long since we saw some decent sunshine in the UK that I'd almost forgotten what it looked like, let alone what it was like to feel its warmth on your back.

    crocus a wm

    snowdrop wm

    Later on, I took a tour around our little garden and nodded back at the Snowdrops that had been gracing the foot of our Cherry tree all the way through January. Such happy looking little plants - so joyful to be waving around in the winter breeze, just loving all the winter sunshine, and even tolerating the winter rain with steely determination.

    And then, to my absolute delight I spotted a couple of yellow Crocus hiding in the grass. (Usually yellow ones are eaten by the blackbirds, but they seem to have overlooked these two.) With the sun shining on them, they looked glorious! Real show-stealers these little buds.

    crocus c wm


    You have to love Mother Nature's sense of humour, teasing us all gently with the promise of what is to come. The Rhubard is already in leaf, and the Daffs are half-asleep under their green cloaks, just waiting for the right time to poke a toe out from underneath their winter gowns to see if it's warm enough to venture forth.


    Spring feels so close now. We have more daylight, and for a time the temperature rose, and then fell again, but still, Nature bides her time until conditions are perfect to burst out in Her full glory.

    Photographs by Terri - Tribes and Vibes